I honestly think this is my first outfit post where I'm actually wearing flats! And it was a work day, can you believe it!?
I love my heels and plan to wear them deep into my age of wisdom, even if that only means to Sunday church service. But even though I'm a die hard shoe
hoarder lover, some days lil' mama's tootsies are tired and I reach for footwear of the flatter variety.
Orange & navy striped tee - The Limited
Chambray skirt - NY & Co.
Blue mesh flats - Payless
Navy dotted tote - Old Navy
Yellow braided belt - The Limited
Green sunnies - Boutique |
I know, I know...I'm standing on tiptoe a little bit in this photo, but it was more to show the sparkly stone embellishment and less about the fact that I'm pretty short (about 5'4") and did not feel long legged and gazelle-like without my three inches of confidence boost.
Beyond the fact of being a little worn out this morning, I always wear a low pump or flats with this skirt.
I have a love/hate relationship with the skirt actually, though I've had a for about three years and loved it when I bought it. Over time I began to feel that it was:
1. A bit too short, not excessively so, but shorter than what I seem used to at the office.
2. It feels
waaay short if I put it on with higher heels.
3. The flounciness of it never worked well with a blazer to balance out it's extra girly factor, it just my behind area look rather unflattering.
Despite all that, it somehow manages to continue being saved from the give away/throw away/sell/Salvation Army pile when I purge my closet two to three times during the year. I keep wardrobe items for a really long time, even ones that I've worn only once in three years or more, because you just
know when something is a wardrobe staple that'll keep on giving. But then there are times you're just like, "why did I buy this?" or "I know I'm never gonna wear this again" and those things go in the purge pile.
But I really liked this look and the way it added flirtiness to the dots, stripes and punches of color. So for now it's a mainstay, since it's actually been earning it's keep.